Annual General Body Meeting


The MANAL Executive Committee would like to inform all members that the next Annual General Body Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 4, 2020, at 6:30 pm at the mosque Social Hall. 

Further details will be provided in the coming days.

Jazak Allahu Khairan.

Canadian Blood Services Award

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

We would like to inform you that Br. Abdelsalam Abugharara, volunteer chief imam and Friday khateeb of our mosque, was recently presented an award for volunteering with Canadian Blood Services in St. John's. He received his award during the Canadian Blood Services’ Annual "Honoring Canada’s Lifeline" event in Ottawa.

We take this opportunity to congratulate our Brother for his outstanding community service and wish him many other great achievements.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun,

MANAL Exceutive Committee

Public Library Event about Muslim Inventions on November 9th

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

To celebrate the proclamation of October as the Islamic History & Heritage Month in St. John's, we are organizing a family event in collaboration with NL Public Libraries.

The event will be hosted at A.C. Hunter Children's Library and will be held at 2.30 pm on Saturday, November 9th. The details can be found in the event poster (please click on the image above).

Please make an effort to attend with your school aged children as we seek to promote awareness and appreciation of Muslim inventions and contributions to civilization. You may reach us at if you have any questions.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun,

MANAL Executive Committee

Islamic History & Heritage Month St. John's

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu,

In 2007, the Parliament of Canada proclaimed October as the Islamic History Month. Since then, few large cities, including Toronto, celebrate it as the Islamic Heritage Month.

Recently, we requested the City of St. John's to consider making a similar proclamation. Alhamdulillah, our request was welcomed and during the City Council meeting of October 21st, Mayor Danny Breen proclaimed October as the Islamic History & Heritage Month in St. John's.

This is an important milestone for our Muslim community. It provides a stronger and more structured ground to promote awareness and appreciation of Muslims' contributions and achievements in many fields, especially in our province.

MANAL will keep you updated about possible events we may be hosting to celebrate this proclamation.

Happy Islamic History & Heritage Month St. John's!

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Committee

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