New Zealand Mosque Shootings

March 15, 2019 is another sad day, not only for Muslims but for all those who are bound together in humanity. Two mosques in New Zealand were attacked by a gunman who brutally killed 50 Muslims and injured many others while they were offering their Friday prayers. The Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador stands together in solidarity with all those who are affected by this tragedy. Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

Especially since the Quebec mosque shooting, Canadian Muslims have been increasingly concerned with the rise of Islamophobia at home. Now, we are even more deeply shocked and disturbed to see the ease and the speed with which Islamophobic violence is spreading, without sparing even the most peaceful communities beyond Canada.

Although it is now evident that no place is immune to such hatred, we pray that our province will continue to be one of the safest. In that context, we thank our fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians for their outpouring of love and solidarity during this difficult time. Thanks to all those who sent letters and e-mails of support, left beautiful bouquets at the door of our local mosque and joined us today during our Friday prayer.

RNC Information Session

Officials from the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) will hold an information session for members of our community on career opportunities within the police force. This session is for those who wish to start their career with the RNC, as well as for those who are contemplating a career change.

The session will cover the following topics:

a.       RNC Background

b.      Career Opportunities (varying careers within policing)

c.       How to Apply

d.      Application Process

e.      Selection Process

f.        Salary & Benefits

g.       Contact Information

h.      Question and answers


 Officials will also provide tips learned from the last competition on how to be a strong candidate.


Date: Sunday, March 10, 2019

Time: 6:00-7:30 pm (session), 7:30-8:00 pm (refreshments)

Venue: Masjid al-Noor, 430 Logy Bay Road


We cordially invite our brothers and sisters to attend this event. 

Donation to the CFSA

We would like to thank the members of our Muslim congregation for their kind support to the fundraising which we launched in the aftermath of the devastating fire at the Community Food Sharing Association (CFSA)'s warehouse. Thank you for helping us to raise a total of $5 000 and for dropping so many non-perishable food items at our mosque.

On February 7, we presented all your donations to Mr. Eg Walters, the General Manager of the CFSA. Our prayers are with them as they work hard to recover from this unfortunate incident and resume their extremely important and much appreciated community service.

MANAL Executive Committee

Thanks for Remembering January 29

The Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador would like to thank all the guests who attended the Commemorative Services marking the second anniversary of the Quebec City Mosque massacre. It was comforting and reassuring to see so many of you standing again in solidarity with our Muslim community and joining us as we remembered and prayed for the victims of this tragedy.

In that context, we also would like to thank again St. John's City Council for unanimously adopting a motion last year and designating January 29 as a Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia. We are committed to work together to address all forms of hate and intolerance and to make our communities safer.

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