Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum.
It has been almost five years since a gunman entered the Centre Culturel Islamique in Quebec City and opened fire on the congregation who was gathered there for the Isha prayer. This horrific attack took the lives of six Muslim men and gravely injured many others. It also left many widows, orphans and survivors with irrevocable losses and lifelong trauma.
Last year, the Government of Canada made January 29 a National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia, to honor the victims and express solidarity with survivors.
Due to ongoing COVID restrictions and public health risks, MANAL will unfortunately not be able to have an in person program at our mosque to commemorate the fifth anniversary of this tragedy.
However, we have prepared a virtual program to be aired from MANAL's website at 7 pm on Saturday, January 29, 2022. Everyone is welcome to stream the program from the link below.
The agenda for the virtual program is as follows:
Day : Saturday, January 29, 2022
Time : 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Welcome Greetings & Introductions (Mr. Kamrul Islam, MANAL Secretary)
Quranic Recitation (Mr. Abdulhaqq Ibrahim, Volunteer Imam)
Video Address (Dr. Mansoor Pirzada, MANAL President)
Video Address (Hon. Gerry Byrne, Minister, NL Government)
Video Address (Ms. Sheilagh O'Leary, Deputy Mayor, City of St. John’s)
Video Address (Dr. Jennifer Selby, Co-Lead, Addressing Islamophobia NL)
Bios of the Victims (Dr. Ayse Akinturk, MANAL Executive)
Prayer for the Victims (Mr. Abdulhaqq Ibrahim, Volunteer Imam)
Concluding the Program (Mr. Kamrul Islam, MANAL Secretary)
We also encourage you to join a nationwide campaign which involves publicly wearing green squares to express solidarity with the families of the victims and the survivors of this terrible act of Islamophobic violence. You can easily home make your own 2" x 2" square using solid green felt (or any other solid green material) and then attach it to your jacket / coat with a safety pin.
Jazakumullahu Khairan.
MANAL Executive Committee