Information Session at the Mosque - 25 September

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum.

As you may remember from our earlier announcements, MANAL is collaborating with Memorial University for an important and timely project that seeks to form a Muslims Archive in our province.

Despite our longstanding settlement and contributions, we Muslims are often perceived as members of a newcomer / transient religious minority group. This wrong perception is partly due to the shortage of archival information and materials documenting NL Muslims’ long history and rich heritage.

Our Project seeks to fill this gap by gathering post-1925 Muslim narratives and archival materials (i.e. photos, letters, certificates, newspaper articles, video recordings etc.).

In that context, we encourage all members of our Muslim community to please donate archival items they may have. More recent materials representing the experiences of relatively newer members are also welcome.

To inform you about the project and archival donation process, our Project Lead Dr. Jennifer Selby and MUNL Archivist Ms. Colleen Quigley will be holding an in person information session at the Social Hall of our Mosque. The session is scheduled for 7:15 PM pm on Saturday, September 25.

All members of our community are invited to attend, provided that they are healthy and not required to self isolate.

Due to physical distancing requirements, we will have limited capacity and attendees will be required to wear a face mask. Tea / coffee will be served while observing social distancing.

If you will be attending the event or have any event related inquiries please email Sr. Ayse Akinturk at after writing "NL Muslims Archival Project" in the subject line.

If you already have some archival materials to donate, you are welcome to bring them to the session to share them with the Project team.

The link to project website is copied below for those who would like to learn more.

Jazakumullahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Committee


The Muslim Narratives and Lives in Newfoundland and Labrador Community Project

Eid Al Adha Announcement

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

MANAL is pleased to announce that Arafah will be on Monday July 19th and the first day of Eid al Adha will be on Tuesday, July 20th.

As we informed you earlier, we will insha'Allah have 3 physically distanced indoor Eid prayers with a maximum capacity of 200 people per session.

The location for all Eid prayers is Jack Byrne Arena at 7 Kennedys Brook Drive, Torbay.

For a timely procession of all three sessions in compliance with COVID guidelines, the duration of each Eid prayer session will be kept to only 20 minutes, including takbeerat, salat and khutbah.

Accordingly, the starting and ending times for each will be as follows:

  • 1st Eid Session (for brothers only): 07:30 AM - 07:50 AM
  • 2nd Eid Session (for brothers AND sisters): 08:30 AM - 08:50 AM
  • 3rd Eid Session (for brothers AND sisters): 09:30 AM - 09:50 AM

Please note that you may attend ONLY IF:

  • you are 12 years of age and older
  • you are healthy without any COVID symptoms
  • you are not required to self isolate by public health authorities
  • you have completed online pre-registration& received a confirmation

The registration links for each Eid prayer will insha'Allah be posted at MANAL website ( at 8:00 AM this Friday, July 16th.

On the day of Eid, please:

  • Arrive at the Arena at least 20 minutes before the start time of your session
  • Park at the designated parking lot
  • Wait inside your car until our volunteers advise you to proceed to the main entrance
  • Bring your own prayer mat with you
  • Wear a face mask at all times
  • Keep physical distancing at all times
  • Check in at the entrance with our registration screening volunteers
  • Follow the instructions of our volunteers when entering and exiting the prayer hall
  • Avoid any physical socializing, eating and drinking inside the premises
  • Leave the prayer hall as soon as the khutbah is over using the back door exit.

May Allah swt shower His mercy on all of us during these blessed days and reward us with many more Eids to celebrate.

Jazakumullahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Committee

Community Update - Transition Plan & Eid Al Adha

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Assalamu Alaikum.

We hope you and your families are doing well.

As our province is now in Step 1 of its Transition plan and as Eid Al Adha is around the corner, we are reaching out to share some updates with you.

First of all, thanks for your cooperation as we all navigate this pandemic together. Your compliance with the public health rules inside and outside of our mosque really helped us all to stay safe so far and come through these challenging times as a community.

Although it is too early to say that the pandemic is over, we are now much closer to the end of this tunnel. We encourage you to please continue following public health guidelines (i.e. maintaining physical distancing and wearing face mask) and also to get vaccinated for maximum protection from Covid 19.

We will keep you informed and revise our policies as the government relaxes its public health restrictions. As a first step in this direction, we are revising our admission procedure for Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers. Accordingly, effective immediately, you are no longer required to write down your names and contact information as you enter the mosque for these three daily congregational prayers. All congregants will be still be required to enter the mosque by the main entrance and exit by the back door.

MANAL is also working on a plan to resume small scale in person activities at the mosque such as youth club and Quran halaqas. We will insh'Allah inform you soon when we finalize the details of this plan.

As for the upcoming Eid al Adha, please kindly note the following:

  • Now that the maximum capacity for physically distanced indoor gatherings is increased to 200 people, MANAL is arranging a bigger facility to host Eid prayers
  • Insha'Allah we plan to have 3 consecutive sessions. The first will be for brothers only and the last two will be for both brothers and sisters.

The exact date, location and online registration links for the Eid prayers will insha'Allah be shared soon via email and website announcement. So, please stay tuned.

May Allah swt bless us with a happy, safe and peaceful Eid this year and for many to come.

Jazakumullahu Khairan.

MANAL Executive Committee

Grieving Together with our Indigenous Peoples

The Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANAL) is extending heartfelt condolences to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada and is grieving together with them after the recent finding of unmarked mass graves of children on the grounds of former residential schools. 

While we pray for the innocent souls who experienced these atrocities, we also stand in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters for a just and anti-racist system where the dignity and rights of our past, present and future generations are respected and protected.

MANAL Executive Committee

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