Eid Prayer at 8:15 am on April 21st (Friday) at the Techniplex

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful


Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Assalamu’ Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,


It is with a heavy heart that we see the passing of Ramadan, the month of spiritual uplift, mercy and endless blessings, but at the same time we are grateful to Allah (SWT) for enabling us to experience this Ramadan through congregational prayers and hope to experience many more Ramadans in the future.


We would like to share important information with our community as part of Eid celebrations.


For those who have not yet paid, Zakatul Fitr is $20 per person and must be paid BEFORE the Eid prayer. You can pay your Zakatul Fitr through the donation boxes located at the mosque, MANAL on-line donation system or through a member of the MANAL Executive Committee.


Ramadan is a month during which all good deeds, and especially charity, are rewarded more than other times of the year. We encourage all our brothers and sisters to donate generously to the MANAL Fundraising Drive to cover the annual operation and maintenance cost of the Mosque that is about $100,000 and to build a new Islamic Centre to cater to the needs of our growing Muslim population.


Through your donations, you will Insha'Allah leave an ever lasting legacy that will benefit you and your families both in this world and in the hereafter. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran:


لَن تَنَالُواْ الْبِرَّ حَتَّى تُنفِقُواْ مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ وَمَا تُنفِقُواْ مِن شَيْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ بِهِ عَلِيمٌ (3:92)


[But as for you, O believers,] never shall you attain true piety unless you spend on others out of what you cherish yourselves; and whatever you spend - verily, God has full knowledge thereof.


The first day of Eid will Insha'Allah be Friday, April 21st.


There will be only one Eid prayer and it will be held at 8:15 AM on Friday (April 21st) at the Techniplex (39 Churchill Avenue, Pleasantville, St. John’s). Please see this map for the location and driving directions. Please note that there will be no Eid prayer at the Mosque.


When you come to the Techniplex for the Eid prayer, please make sure that you bring your own prayer mat and park in the designated parking area only. 


Taking this opportunity, MANAL would like to thank all the volunteers who help us maintain the Mosque and manage MANAL’s operational activities throughout the year and especially during the holy month of Ramadan.


May Allah (SWT) bless our community and the whole Muslim ummah with a happy and peaceful Eid.


Eid Mubarak

Jazakum Allahu Khairun,

MANAL Executive Committee

Turkiye/Syria Earthquake Fund

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu,

Our hearts are greatly saddened by the news of the devastating earthquakes that happened in the southeastern region of Turkiye on February 6th, 2023.

While these earthquakes were felt and caused substantial damage in the entire region, the majority of the losses were experienced in Turkiye and northern Syria. As Muslims, we pray for the souls of thousands of brothers and sisters who died during this calamity.

MANAL has set up a "Turkiye & Syria Earthquake Fund" to contribute to ongoing relief efforts in the region. The collected funds will be disbursed through a registered charity. We urge you to please visit MANAL website to make an online donation towards this fund. You may select "Turkiye & Syria Earthquake Fund" on our donation page at https://www.manal.ca/donate to donate to this fund.

May Allah swt give the people of Turkiye and Syria strength and patience during these very difficult times.

Jazakumullahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Committee


National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum.

It has been almost six years since a gunman entered the Centre Culturel Islamique in Quebec City and opened fire on the congregation who was gathered there for the Isha prayer. This horrific attack took the lives of six Muslim men and gravely injured many others. It also left six widows, several orphans and many survivors with irrevocable losses and lifelong trauma.

Since this tragic and horrific attack, MANAL has strongly advocated for and played an active role in addressing and taking action against Islamophobia. We helped developing national and provincial strategies to identify and eliminate the systemic causes of this problem. We remain committed to be part of the solution working together with our national, provincial and municipal allies.

As a result of our collective efforts, in 2021, the Government of Canada designated January 29 National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia. Last year, a similar designation was also made by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

This week, as we approach the sixth anniversary of the Quebec City Mosque attack, we will be taking some initiatives to honor the memories of the victims and to express our continued commitment to stand against Islamophobia. Accordingly: 

  1. We will be reaching out to different levels of government asking for public monuments (i.e. Government House, Confederation Building and City Hall) to be lit green on the weekend of January 29 as a symbolic gesture of support and solidarity
  2. Masjid Al Noor will be joining other Canadian mosques by designating its Jumah Khutbah of January 27 to the National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia
  3. We will have a Quran recitation and congregational douaa at Masjid Al Noor right after the Isha prayer on January 29
  4. As part of a national campaign, MANAL Executives, Volunteer Imams & Khateebs will be publicly wearing a 2" x 2" green square during the week of January 29. (All members of our Muslim community are encouraged to join the campaign. You can easily home make your own green square using felt or any other material and then attach it to your jacket / coat with a safety pin.)

May Allah swt bless all the victims of Islamophobia with the highest ranks of Jannah, give patience and strength to their families and friends. As Muslims, we will continue to do our part by spreading peace and awareness in our communities, supporting each other and standing up for our rights.

Jazakumullahu Khairan

MANAL Executive Committee

MSAMUN & MUN Muslim Chaplain & MANAL 5th Annual Blood Drive Event - Dec. 28 to 30, 2022

Assalamu alaikum wa rahamat Allahu Wabarakatu:

Thank you for stepping forward to help patients in need for blood through participating in the coming blood drive event (Dec. 28 to Dec. 30, 2022.)

Saving lives, drawing smiles, gifting big, and helping others is still achievable in this holiday season.
MUN Muslim Chaplain, in collaboration with Muslim Students Association (MUN-MSA) and Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANAL) is organizing the 5th anniversary 3-day-Blood-Drive-Event to assist filling the need for blood and to ensure blood supply continuation during the holiday season Dec. 28 to Dec. 30, 2022.

Please BOOK your appointment online today at https://www.blood.ca/en

Alternatively, you can email the event coordinator (a_nasar@mun.ca) to reserve your place.
Address of Canadian Blood Services: 7 Wicklow St, St. John's, NL A1B 3Z9

Please use the following forms for signing up:

Volunteering Form

5th Blood Drive Event Announcement & Sign-Up Form

You are also encouraged to online donate financially at:

Memories of past events:


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