Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu,
Our hearts are greatly saddened by the news of the devastating earthquakes that happened in the southeastern region of Turkiye on February 6th, 2023.
While these earthquakes were felt and caused substantial damage in the entire region, the majority of the losses were experienced in Turkiye and northern Syria. As Muslims, we pray for the souls of thousands of brothers and sisters who died during this calamity.
MANAL has set up a "Turkiye & Syria Earthquake Fund" to contribute to ongoing relief efforts in the region. The collected funds will be disbursed through a registered charity. We urge you to please visit MANAL website to make an online donation towards this fund. You may select "Turkiye & Syria Earthquake Fund" on our donation page at to donate to this fund.
May Allah swt give the people of Turkiye and Syria strength and patience during these very difficult times.
Jazakumullahu Khairan,
MANAL Executive Committee