Remembering January 29

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum.

It has been almost five years since a gunman entered the Centre Culturel Islamique in Quebec City and opened fire on the congregation who was gathered there for the Isha prayer. This horrific attack took the lives of six Muslim men and gravely injured many others. It also left many widows, orphans and survivors with irrevocable losses and lifelong trauma.

Last year, the Government of Canada made January 29 National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia, to honor the victims and express solidarity with survivors.

Due to ongoing COVID restrictions and public health risks, MANAL will unfortunately not be able to have an in person program at our mosque to commemorate the fifth anniversary of this tragedy.

However, we have prepared a virtual program to be aired from MANAL's website at 7 pm on Saturday, January 29, 2022. Everyone is welcome to stream the program from the link below.

The agenda for the virtual program is as follows:

Day : Saturday, January 29, 2022

Time : 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm


  1. Welcome Greetings & Introductions (Mr. Kamrul Islam, MANAL Secretary)

  2. Quranic Recitation (Mr. Abdulhaqq Ibrahim, Volunteer Imam)

  3. Video Address (Dr. Mansoor Pirzada, MANAL President)

  4. Video Address (Hon. Gerry Byrne, Minister, NL Government)

  5. Video Address (Ms. Sheilagh O'Leary, Deputy Mayor, City of St. John’s)

  6. Video Address (Dr. Jennifer Selby, Co-Lead, Addressing Islamophobia NL)

  7. Bios of the Victims (Dr. Ayse Akinturk, MANAL Executive)

  8. Prayer for the Victims (Mr. Abdulhaqq Ibrahim, Volunteer Imam)

  9. Concluding the Program (Mr. Kamrul Islam, MANAL Secretary)

We also encourage you to join a nationwide campaign which involves publicly wearing green squares to express solidarity with the families of the victims and the survivors of this terrible act of Islamophobic violence. You can easily home make your own 2" x 2" square using solid green felt (or any other solid green material) and then attach it to your jacket / coat with a safety pin.

Jazakumullahu Khairan.

MANAL Executive Committee

Updated Measures against COVID-19 at Mosque

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu alaikum:

The government of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador has now placed the entire province under adapted Alert Level 4 in order to slow and eventually stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 in our province.  This Alert Level places limits on the size of religious congregations to a maximum of 50 people at all times.

Therefore, now Jumah prayers will now each be limited to a maximum of 50 attendees to be admitted on a first-come first-served basis to the mosque.  This is necessary to abide with government regulations.  Also, all those attending the mosque for Jumah prayers will have their vaccination status verified before being admitted.  Additionally, washrooms are locked at the mosque, so wudu should be performed at home before arriving at the mosque.

As before, it is very important that all attendees to all congregational prayers adhere to the following measures:

1. It is necessary that all attendees to congregational prayers at the mosque bring their NLVaxPass as proof of vaccination status.

2. Social distancing measures must be adhered to as soon as the mosque is entered.

3. All attendees must wear a mask at all times covering their nose and mouth.

4. All attendees must make wudu at home.

5. All attendees must bring their own prayer mat.

We appreciate all of your cooperation with these measures and pray that insha'Allah everyone stays safe and healthy during these trying times.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

MANAL Executives

Update on Mosque Prayer Space Capacity

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to share a new update regarding the space capacity for Jumah and other congregational prayers at Masjid Al Noor.

As per the latest public health order, we are now able to operate at full capacity without physical distancing between seated congregants.

To minimize public health risks, other measures will continue to be applied until further notice. Accordingly, when attending the mosque, please remember to:

  • have wudu at home
  • bring and use your own prayer mat
  • wear your face mask at all times
  • show your vaccine passport to MANAL screening volunteers
  • provide your contact information to MANAL screening volunteers
  • sanitize your hands when entering and exiting
  • keep physical distancing when you are not seated.
  • avoid eating/drinking inside the premises

Jazakumullahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Commitee

Update on Jumah Prayers

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

We are reaching out to update you about two important changes we are introducing in our Jumah (and other congregational prayer) policies and procedures.

Please kindly note that, as of this Friday, August 13th:

  • Children of 8 years of age and older will be welcome to attend Jumah and other congregational prayers at Masjid Al Noor. Parents will be responsible for supervising their children and making sure that they comply with all public health guidelines within MANAL premises.


  • Admission to our Jumah prayers will be on a "first come first served basis" and will NO LONGER require online or door registration. Accordingly, if you are healthy without any COVID symptoms and are not ordered to self isolate, please come to the mosque at least 15 minutes before the start time of the first or the second Jumah prayer. When the mosque capacity is full for the first session, the doors will be locked by MANAL volunteers and you will be required to wait outside to be admitted to the next one. We request you to please follow the instructions of our volunteers for a timely and smooth admission process. 


In order to minimize public health risks, we are not yet changing our other rules and policies, including mandatory mask wearing in MANAL premises. So, when coming to the mosque, please remember to:

  • have wudu at home
  • bring your own prayer mat
  • wear your face mask before entering the mosque
  • enter the mosque by the main door
  • put your shoes in a plastic bag and sanitize your hands before proceeding to the prayer halls
  • keep physical distancing at all times
  • pray only at designated spots
  • exit by the back door

We thank you for helping us to keep our mosque and community safe and look forward to sharing more updates in the near future.

JazakumAllahu Khairan,

MANAL Executive Commitee


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