Assalamu alaikum,

As you are aware, all levels of government have placed measures across our province to try and contain the spread of COVID-19.  MANAL has been regularly monitoring the situation in our province as well as in other jurisdictions in Canada.

In an effort to minimize the spread of the disease, the MANAL Executive Committee has decided to suspend all daily prayers as well as Jum'aa prayers in the mosque premises until further notice.

The mosque will remain closed until MANAL deems it safe for our members to pray in congregations.  Members will be notified when the mosque will reopen.

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard.  Please note that any unauthorized access to the mosque will be reported to the law enforcement authorities without exception.

Jazak Allahu Khairan

MANAL Executive Committee

Remembering January 29 and Green Square Campaign

Green Square

On the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the tragic Quebec City mosque shooting, the Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (MANAL) is joining the Green Square Campaign - a nationwide initiative powered by the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec (CCIQ), National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and Islamic Relief Canada.

The campaign involves publicly wearing green squares from 27th to the 29th of January, 2020 to express solidarity with the families of the victims and the survivors of this terrible act of Islamophobic violence.

The green square symbolizes the green carpet of the Quebec City mosque, that was soaked in the blood of innocent victims. Among other things, green is also perceived as the color of life, harmony, safety and hope.

Members of our Muslim community and all fellow Canadians are kindly invited to join the campaign and to widely share it through social media accounts over the next few days. You can easily home make your own 2" x 2" square using solid green felt (or any other solid green material) and then attach it to your cloth with a safety pin.

In addition to this simple but meaningful act, you may also donate to Islamic Relief Canada who is raising funds to assist the families of the victims.

Thank you,
MANAL Executive Committee

State of Emergency and Mosque Access

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamo Alaikum

As of 4:30pm today (January 23, 2020), the State of Emergency (SOE) for the City of St. John's remains in effect. As a result, MANAL Executives have decided to comply with the SOE and keep the Mosque premises closed for regular prayers including Friday (Jum'aa) prayer until the SOE is lifted by the City of St. John's.

We need to comply with such restrictions to ensure the safety of our community members as well as to enable first responders to address the ongoing snow clearing efforts.

If anyone comes to the Mosque during the State of Emergency, they  may be subject to penalties as determined by the various levels of government.

Your cooperation during this time of emergency is highly appreciated.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

MANAL Executives

Friday Prayer Cancelled

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamo Alaikum

Please note that today’s Friday prayer is cancelled as the City of
St. John’s has declared a state of emergency due to the
ongoing storm. City roads and the Mosque parking area have not
been cleaned.  Insha’Allah the Mosque will open tomorrow once
the state of emergency has been lifted and it is safe to drive.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

MANAL Executives

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