Live Public Adhan From Al Noor Mosque in St. John's

Live Public Adhan From Al Noor Mosque in St. John's

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakatuhu.

We are pleased to announce that, after receiving our request and running some consultations, our Deputy Mayor informed us today that the live aloud recitation of Adhan from our local mosque is permissible by the City.

Accordingly, we will insha'Allah be running a public recitation of Adhan from Al Noor Mosque at every maghreb time until the end of Ramadan. The first public Adhan is scheduled for 8.38 pm this evening (May 20th) and will be live streamed. Please go to to tune in and witness this historical moment.

MANAL is planning to continue running public recitation of Adhan after Ramadan on a "once a week" basis. Accordingly at 1.10 pm every Friday, starting with May 22nd, we will insha'Allah have a live aloud Adhan recitation from our mosque.

Taking this opportunity, we thank Allah swt for blessing us with such a spiritually comforting good news during these challenging times and our municipal leaders, especially Ms. Sheilagh O'Leary, for their kind collaboration on this matter.

We pray for all humanity to find relief and safety from the ongoing pandemic very soon insha'Allah. May Allah swt guide us all to collectively build a much better and sustainable normal.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun,

MANAL Executive Committee

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